Clare FitzPatrick joins the Rocheleau lab as a Master’s student!

Rocheleau lab welcomes Peipei Zeng as an undergraduate researcher

Ananya and Tatsuya presented their work as posters at the C. elegans Development, Cell Biology & Gene Expression meeting in Madision, WI

Congratulations Aida!

Aida Sobhani completed her Master’s degree. We wish her luck at her new position at the University of Toronto.

Ahmed Sabbir joins the Rocheleau lab as a graduate student

Ahmed joins us after completing a Master’s in Pharmacy from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and a Master’s in Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Ananya Jana joins the Rocheleau lab this summer as a postdoc!

Ananya is joining us after completing her Ph.D. at the Bose Institute in Kolkata India where she characterized membrane trafficking regulators in Giardia.

Soumyendu Saha joins the lab as a PhD student

Welcome to Soumyendu Saha, who joins that Cell Biology graduate program after completing his MSc at the Indian Institute of Science Research and Education studying.